In the 2015 U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth Survey, I found it interesting what some of the highest net-worth Americans found important about giving back to society and charitable non-profits. Of the 640 surveyed (with a net-worth of $3 million or more), the majority consider giving back to society an important component of a life well lived. Most participate in charitable
giving (78%) and volunteer time (66%) as a way to give back. In addition to giving back, good health and family relationships were among the most important aspects they noted as a part of a "life well lived".
I don't suppose that any of this information is particularly surprising. I don't have $3 million in my bank account, but I too would agree that my family, my health and living a charitable life are among the most important things to me. But what I found amusing is putting this information in light of how little it actually takes to make an incredible charitable impact on another human's life. After a recent trip to Chicago where I passed multiple beleaguered homeless holding a cup and only needing a few dollars per day to feed themselves - it reminded me how much I have to give. When a family in our church loses a job, bringing over some bags of clothes my son has outgrown and a few pans of lasagna helps them make it through the week. And frankly, just $300 is enough to build and ship a life-altering PET Cart to a child who has only known a life on the ground. Giving them not only the freedom to move around, but in so many cases the chance to go to school, the opportunity to make a living, and the promise to live a "normal" life.
Although its interesting to study the behaviors and thoughts of the country's most wealthy, the reality is we all have so much more to give than we even realize -- and most of the neediest really only need a little.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can provide a PET Cart to a waiting child, visit our website at